Your Placencia Residential Property Management & Vacation Home Company
House Maintenance

Flowers Services is our in-house crew which saves you money.
While you're away such task as general maintenance is still a must.
When your home is your biggest investment, as it is for most, maintaining it is crucial given the elements of the tropics.
Home maintenance can feel like a daunting chore — especially in Placencia where resources and supplies are limited.
Our team will be ready to assist in any general repairs or in an emergency situation.
Having an in-house maintenance team saves you money; whereas, other management companies will charge an additional 15-20% for plumbing, electrical, AC, and general services we do not. We have those services readily available with Flowers Services.
Landscape Upkeep

The first thing to remember with any landscape is that it’s a living, breathing entity. Even the simplest, easy-to-care-for yard will need watering, feeding, cleaning, and disease prevention.
If you aren’t a big fan of yard maintenance, it might be wise to implement landscaping that’s easy to maintain. Indeed, landscape maintenance is much more involved than the average homeowner believes especially in the tropics. Often, the difference between solid and poor landscape maintenance is in the details. We can advise you on the easy-to-care-for colorful to the more time-intensive plants. Either way, making your yard look like a tropical paradise attracts renters.
Inspired by Belize and its beauty, Flowers Property Management, and Flowers Services is a local company that takes pride in every project, to serve Belizeans and others with excellence.
Property Improvement Oversight

We provide day-to-day oversight of all aspects of property construction as needed per project.
Tenant turnover and building maintenance/improvement concerns are the most difficult issues faced by an income property owner.
We can increase average tenant retention and minimize expenses through personal attention, careful supervision of maintenance issues, and the use of reliable, skilled labor.
The result is higher cash flow
and less stress!
Flowers Property Management and Flowers Services will add true value to your home, property or vacation home.

Need Help Marketing Your Placencia Rental?
You got the property management handled but do you need help marketing? Let's discuss our strategy in what's becoming a competitive market in Placencia.
Social media posting: A high percentage of tenants are scouring the social media pages looking for rentals. Along with posting our properties on a regular basis, we look for individuals posting inquiries and if we see your property fits their needs we will make that connection.
Referrals: A high volume of real estate agencies on the Placencia peninsula exclusively refer to Flowers Property Management. Often is the case a potential buyer comes to the peninsula to live while searching for a property or desired location.
Vacation media channels: If your property is BTB licensed the most popular rental sites are VRBO and Airbnb. Our own rental site www.hotelsplacencia.com is now at the top of the list on search engine searches. Our booking specialist can handle this part and keep up with guest inquiries and reviews.
Competitive long-term commission rates: For 12-month signed leases, we commission 1/2 of one month's rent. You don't pay anything for marketing unless we get you a renter!
Variety: Budgets come in all shapes and sizes. We don't just take high-end properties. Being a local business we understand the rental needs on the peninsula and market to all budgets.

How are you today?
Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself and my family.
My name is Dwayne Flowers I am a certified AC Technician, and general contractor who specializes in solar panel installation, repairs, plumbing, and electrical services. I am a father of 4 and a Belizean.
I started my company in 2009 specializing in AC, electrical, and plumbing. The clientele and reputation had been established; therefore, adding in our premier Placencia property management completed the circle.